
Five unique ways to decorate with plants

Plants add colour, shape and personality to a room and for that alone we love them. But they are also surprisingly versatile and – like artwork, furniture, and other décor – can make a powerful statement in your workspace. Whether you decide to use them as a major feature in the room, or as subtle decorations, we have lots of ideas to help you green up your office environment. 


Is your office running low on floor space thanks to all the desks, printers, filing cabinets and alike? Hanging plants are not only a great way to save space, but also an easy way to create an eye-catching display while adding depth, colour and a sense of serenity to your office. Cascading down your shelves or hanging from the ceiling in the corner or a room… hanging plants are bound to bring a room to life by drawing your eye upwards.

A green wall, also known as a living wall or vertical garden, is a collection of tightly bound wall-mounted plants. Green walls are the latest trend in office design and will make a perfect feature wall in your workspace. At Frenchams, we can custom make green walls to suit your space, using different varieties of plants which can vary in colour, growth and flower, creating an oasis of tranquillity in your office. We offer a range of different green wall designs, including modular green walls and grid frame green walls. Click here to learn more about our green wall range.
Placing plants of all different styles and sizes along a shelf or window ledge is a simple way to enhance your décor and make the perfect statement in your office. If you have a large empty wall, Frenchams can help custom design a shelf and fill it with an assortment of stunning plants. Or if you have a window ledge just itching for more plants than it can carry, installing more shelves is an easy way to create a stunning visual that will WOW your clients.
A plant cluster is an assortment of different sized pots, in different designs, with a variety of different plants. They are a great way to add a personalised touch to your office. The great thing about creating a cluster of different plants is that you can have the flexibility to change the design. Plants, angles, position and pot design can be easily adjusted as and where needed. Frenchams offer a variety of different pot designs and plants, in different sizes, shapes, styles and textures. Contact us today and we can help come up with a unique design for your plant cluster!
Think vertically and decorate bare office walls with wall mounted plants. Wall mounted pots will turn your plants into living wall art, and can be installed in range of unique styles and patterns creating a stunning visual bound to turn heads. The Frenchams Group take pride in creating personalised, tailored office plant solutions for our valued clients at competitive prices. We offer a range of unique plant designs, pot arrangements and décor ideas, that are bound to turn heads in your office. Contact us today for a free onsite consultation.

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